FlowJo University – The One Stop for All Your FlowJo™ and SeqGeq™ Software Training Needs
FlowJo™, the leading analysis platform for single-cell flow cytometry analysis, and SeqGeq™, the
platform for the analysis of gene expression from single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq), are now a
lot easier to learn and use. FlowJo University is a collection of online educational resources, both
introductory and advanced level, that has been specially put together to enable FlowJo™ and
SeqGeq™ users to get the best out of their data. FlowJo™ users can benefit from advanced tutorials
and coverage of specific topics like proliferation assays, compensation and high parameter analysis.
For SeqGeq™ users, FlowJo University provides educational content on topics like genomic
cytometry, differential expression, GeneSet enrichment analysis and on how to combine scRNA-seq
and flow cytometry analyses. The FlowJo University is also updated regularly with new and exciting
educational resources, all designed with the sole aim of helping users turn their burning curiosities
into trailblazing discoveries