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COVID-19 Patient Care
Now is the right time to help identify COVID-19 patients at elevated risks of Intubation with Mechanical Ventilation (IMV) and mortality.
BD Multitest™ 6-Color TBNK Reagent with BD Trucount™ Tubes is a trusted test now with clinically validated cut-off levels for specific lymphocyte T-cell subsets (CD4+ and/or CD8+) to help identify COVID-19 patients at hospital admission who are at increased risk of IMV and also increased risk of mortality, in conjunction with clinical findings and the results of other laboratory testing. Recognizing increased patient risk at admission can help inform the right course of action while prioritizing precious resources.
IMV-free probability for patients above and below CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell cut-offs
Scientific Resources
White Paper
Read about the validation of T-cell cutoffs values for CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocyte subsets in an Italian COVID-19 patient cohort. This study also showed that some commonly used laboratory tests such as total lymphocyte count, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, CRP, and ferritin lost significance in various analyses in comparison to CD4⁺ and CD8⁺ T-cell cutoffs.
Clinician Info-graphic
Feel more secure when managing COVID-19 patient risk. CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells are important in viral killing and antibody response and are often decreased in severe COVID-19. CD4+ and/ or CD8+ T-cell counts at hospitalization can aid in determining the risk of Intubation with Mechanical Ventilation (IMV) and risk of mortality, in conjunction with clinical findings and the results of other laboratory procedures. Relative risk is 5-6x higher for patients with T-cell subset counts below cut-off levels (CD4+ <250 cells/µl and/or CD8+ <100 cells/µl).
Clinician Info-graphic
Together we can help your patients. This cliff notes version of the TBNK COVID-19 datasheet is a snapshot overview of the science supporting the use of immune assessment in COVID-19 patients. Go ahead. Go beyond complete blood count (CBC) and enhance the immune assessment of your COVID-19 patients.
COVID-19: Snapshot of the Immune Response
This poster offers an in-depth understanding of:
- The viral structure of SARS-CoV-2 and immunopathology in different stages of infection
- Immune cell types and signaling molecules involved in response to SARS-CoV-2 infection
- Differences between functional and dysfunctional immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection
BD Multitest 6 Color TBNK Reagent Poster
New with COVID-19 claims on the BD Multitest™ 6-Color TBNK Reagent with optional BD Trucount™ Tubes. This poster is an overview of a six-color direct immunofluorescence reagent for use with BD™ flow cytometers to identify and determine the percentages and absolute counts of T, B, and natural killer (NK) cells as well as the CD4 and CD8 subpopulations of T cells in peripheral blood.
BD Multitest 6 Color TBNK Reagent Data Sheet
New with COVID-19 claims on BD Multitest™ 6-Color TBNK Reagent with optional BD Trucount™ Tubes. This datasheet provides an in depth review of this six-color direct immunofluorescence reagent for use with BD™ flow cytometers to identify and determine the percentages and absolute counts of T, B, and natural killer (NK) cells as well as the CD4 and CD8 subpopulations of T cells in peripheral blood.
BD Multitest 6 Color TBNK IFU Sheet
New with COVID-19 claims on BD Multitest™ 6-Color TBNK Reagent with optional BD Trucount™ Tubes. This IFU with updated clinical application section provides performance data for this six-color direct immunofluorescence reagent for use with BD™ flow cytometers to identify and determine the percentages and absolute counts of T, B, and natural killer (NK) cells as well as the CD4 and CD8 subpopulations of T cells in peripheral blood.
Monitoring the Immune System to Fight COVID-19: CD4 Status, Lymphopenia, and Infectivity
Discover how scientists are using flow cytometry to study biomarkers from COVID-19 patients and hear their plans to harness laboratory evidence to fight SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Learn about potential implications of these findings as they relate to the international guidance for COVID-19 disease treatment and disease management in persons living with HIV.
BD FACSLyric™ Flow Cytometer
The BD FACSLyric Flow Cytometer is an innovative and upgradable solution that provides reliability and consistency in lymphocyte subset analysis and can support clinicians in providing fast and accurate diagnostic information.
With the BD FACSLyric Cell Analyzer configured with 6, 8, 10 or 12 colors, using BD Multitest™ 6-Color TBNK Reagent with BD Trucount™ Tubes clinical laboratories can now obtain accurate and consistent results for lymphocyte subsets, including absolute T-cell counts, that can be used in the immune assessment during COVID-19 disease.
BD FACSLyric Cell Analyzer can be used in combination with BD FACSDuet™ Sample Preparation System allowing a complete automated workflow from sample to answer minimizing manual handling of potential infectious samples.
This next-generation flow cytometer enables standardization and collaboration through consistent results and unique assay portability capabilities. Password protection, audit trail, electronic signatures and IQ/OQ procedures assist in supporting 21 CFR Part 11 compliance and electronic record integrity that can be of use during clinical trials.
BD FACSDuet™ Sample Preparation System
The BD FACSDuet Sample Preparation System provides a powerful new level of performance to move the pace of your lab forward. With pre-analytical automation and standardization, the BD FACSDuet Sample Preparation System drives consistency and workflow efficiency. BD FACSLyric can be used in combination with BD FACSDuet allowing a complete automated workflow from sample-to-answer minimizing manual handling of potential infectious sample.
Designed to complement and physically integrate with the BD FACSLyric Flow Cytometer, the BD FACSDuet Sample Preparation System provides a complete walkaway sample-to-answer solution. Through its automation protocol, the BD FACSDuet Sample Preparation System enables higher lab productivity and accuracy in results while minimising manual intervention.
BD FACSCanto II™ Cell Analyzer
The BD FACSCanto II is a cell analyzer with proven reliability and generates accurate results for experiments requiring up to 10 parameters. Features including quality control and single-tube instrument setup help operators run routine clinical applications.
To further simplify operation, BD FACSCanto™ Clinical Software automates setup, compensation analysis and quality control for predefined clinical applications. The clinical application module for the BD Multitest™ 6-Color TBNK Reagent provides high performance for lymphocyte enumeration to support reporting of immune subsets during COVID-19 disease.
We are here to support you
Solidarity and partnership
We know you are concerned about your patients' risk of serious illness during the pandemic. So are we.
Our resources can help you learn more about T-cell testing and how BD can support you during this time.
BD Multitest™ 6-Color TBNK Reagent and BD Trucount™ Tubes are in vitro diagnostic medical devices bearing a CE mark.
BD Flow Cytometers and BD FACSDuet™ Sample Preparation System are Class 1 Laser Products.