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BD FACSLyric™ Clinical System

High performance integrated solution for accurate, reliable and repeatable results across users, instruments, and sites.

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heading H1: BD FACSuite™ Software

A true evolution in flow cytometry is empowered by BD FACSuite™ software.

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This is the Title so its coming as White: BD Horizon™ Dri Chroma Panels

Heading H3: BD offers contract manufacturing of pre-aliquoted, performance-optimized mulicolor panels for flow cytometry in a dried down, ready to use format. The dried multicolor panels reduce inter-experiment variability and come with long shelf lives making them ideal choices for multisite and lognitudenal studies.

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This is the Title so its coming as White: BD Horizon™ Lyo panels

Heading H4: BD offers lyophilized products for flow cytometry, including multicolor panels and control cells. Lyophilized panels in pre-aliquoted formats reduce inter-experiment variability and come with long shelf lives making them ideal choices for multisite and longitudinal studies.

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This is the Title so its coming as White: BD FACSLyric™ Flow Cytometer integrated with the BD FACSDuet™ Sample Preparation System

Heading H5: BD FACSLyric™ Flow Cytometer integrated with the BD FACSDuet™ Sample Preparation System allows clinical laboratories to automate the sample-to-answer process, reducing errors and limiting manual user interactions.
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