Applications and Solutions

신뢰할 수 있는 제품, 통합 솔루션, 유용한 도구 및 풍부한 정보로 구성된 다양한 제품군은 유세포 분석 애플리케이션을 발전시킵니다.


COVID-19 Research

BD Biosciences는 과학적 파트너가 되어 COVID-19 연구를 가능하게 하는 데 필요한 도구와 지원을 제공하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 우리는 바이러스 면역 반응, 사이토 카인 분석, 백신 연구 및 바이오 마커 및 치료제 발견을 위한 도구를 제공합니다.




BD FACSMelody™ 4-Way Sorter Packages


Limited-time packages on the BD FACSMelody™ 4-Way Cell Sorter to meet your laboratory’s needs. Save on value-driven instrument configurations, accessories or service.

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BD® PRIMER Program


Take advantage of one-on-one experiment design consultations, support and special panel pricing.

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High-Dimensional Biology Packages


Optimize your flow cytometry workflow to attain deeper insights with high-dimensional biology. For a limited time, take advantage of packages that include flow cytometers, reagents and informatics combined with single-cell multiomics instrumentation.

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“My order was placed quickly and easily. No technology problems. The new BD Biosciences website worked flawlessly! It saved me a lot of time. The new experience is like taking a walk in the park. It’s like night and day!”

“My order was placed quickly and easily. No technology problems. The new BD Biosciences website worked flawlessly! It saved me a lot of time. The new experience is like taking a walk in the park. It’s like night and day!”

Jason Franklin
Purchasing Supervisor

“BD Horizon™ Red 718 Reagents offer a brighter alternative to Alexa Fluor™ 700 and increase resolution of high-dimensional panels when traditional markers are too dim.”

Testimonial image 1

“BD Horizon™ Red 718 Reagents offer a brighter alternative to Alexa Fluor™ 700 and increase resolution of high-dimensional panels when traditional markers are too dim.”

Devon Eddins
PhD, Doctoral Fellow
Emory University

“BD is positioned with BD® CS&T and BD® FC Bead technology to enable instrument standardization simply from day to day, instrument to instrument, and lab to lab. Reference control–based instrument standardization is the next step for flow cytometry.”

Testimonial image 2

“BD is positioned with BD® CS&T and BD® FC Bead technology to enable instrument standardization simply from day to day, instrument to instrument, and lab to lab. Reference control–based instrument standardization is the next step for flow cytometry.”

Dr. Lili Wang
Gaithersburg, MD

“At last, a fully integrated end-to-end walkaway solution, which is going to make our lives significantly easier. It reduces errors in both the pre-analytical and analytical phases, leading to increased productivity and efficiency, but most importantly provides a comprehensive fully audit-able account of the whole process. Finally, a solution that creates capacity to allow us to meet our key performance indicators.”

Testimonial image 3

“At last, a fully integrated end-to-end walkaway solution, which is going to make our lives significantly easier. It reduces errors in both the pre-analytical and analytical phases, leading to increased productivity and efficiency, but most importantly provides a comprehensive fully audit-able account of the whole process. Finally, a solution that creates capacity to allow us to meet our key performance indicators.”

Dr. Timothy Farren
Head of Immunophenotyping (Specialist Integrated Haematology Malignancies Diagnostic Service, SIHMDS)
Barts Health NHS Trust, UK

"BD Horizon RealYellow™ 586 (RY586) Reagents look like the best alternative for PE and will simplify panel design on conventional flow cytometers. They can also be an additional dye for spectral panel design.”

"BD Horizon RealYellow™ 586 (RY586) Reagents look like the best alternative for PE and will simplify panel design on conventional flow cytometers. They can also be an additional dye for spectral panel design.”

Gert Van Isterdael, PhD
VIB Ghent University, Belgium
Thought Leadership

최신 유세포 분석 뉴스, 리더 의견, 획기적인 연구에 대한 블로그, 흥미로운 유세포 분석 간행물 리뷰 등을 통해 유세포 분석 커뮤니티의 일원이 되십시오.

BD Horizon™ NEXT Global Educational Tour
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